Re: Back to the Well–One More Time

Joel Harmon writes:

I wholeheartedly concur with Jonathan and Kent that this is a terrific contribution.

The student section is a well written and reasonably comprehensive coverage of key issues and elements.  It offers a great compendium of resources, including some of our group’s best work.  There might have been a bit better/richer coverage of education — including the SJ sustainable schools program, Jamie Cloud’s sustainability curriculum, ISE/SGAP’s problem-based sustainability program, NJHEPS’ initiatives, and ASHE’s  higher ed “green schools” program (several NJ universities already are, and more could/should become).

Your sections are a GIFT.  They aggregate so much from your super-extensive experience, reading, thinking.  It offers a very nice summary of many prior works.  [Note: Perhaps it’s time to do another survey of NJ biz sustainability, to gauge movement and the current state of things in the State].

Appendix II (like much of your work) requires a great deal of commitment to thoroughly read and absorb.  If you (or anyone else) sees further value in leveraging this high-potential material,  I offer some considerations/suggestions.

–Much of the writing could benefit from some boldface and italicizing to help key points stand out.
–As others have noted, the super-excellent recommendations are kind of buried at the end and deserve to be more prominently featured.

–It might be better to position the “what this Appendix does not provide” section at the end, in favor of getting to it right off. Strategically, caveats and digressions are sometimes better left until after the main points have been made.

Regardless, this is a very valuable document and I will keep it handy for future reference.



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